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Chair of the Publications Committee of the Nuttall Ornithological Club, Co-chair of the 150th Anniversary Planning Committee, past President of the Club; retired from Mass Audubon, North Shore Region Ornithologist and Director of the Birder's Certificate Program; international and domestic trip leader; PhD in Zoology, University of Minnesota.
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736 Salem Street
United States

Born: St. Paul, Minnesota, 12 January 1951. Elected: 2000 (Councilor, 2005-2008; Charles Blake Fund Committee; Vice President, 2013-2016; Blake-Nuttall Fund Committee, 2013-2016; President, 2016-2019; Chair, Publications Committee, 2019-present; Co-chair of NOC 150th Anniversary Planning Committee, 2020-2023; Assistant Web Master, Education: University of Minnesota, BS (biology), 1972; University of Minnesota, PhD (zoology), 1980; Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Postdoctoral Fellow (pathology), 1980-1983. Vocation: Retired Ornithologist, North Shore Region, Mass Audubon, Science and Education Coordinator, Joppa Flats Education Center, Newburyport, Massachusetts (Director of the Birder’s Certificate Program, Director of the Certificate Program in Bird Ecology for guide training in Belize for Programme for Belize and Toledo Institute for Development and Environment); Co-organizer of the Superbowl of Birding; trip leader for domestic and international natural history tours. Cardiovascular Pathology Laboratory head, Mallory Institute of Pathology and Principal Investigator, 1984-2000; Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine, Assistant Professor, 1984-1995, Associate Professor, 1995-2000; Consultant in Communications, 2000-2002, Clerk and Board of Trustees, Vitale International Foundation for Medical Education/Exchange, 1998-2005. Memberships: American Ornithological Society, Wilson Ornithological Society, Massachusetts Audubon, New Hampshire Audubon, Essex County Ornithological Club, Brookline Bird Club, Sorrento Scientific Society. Publications: dozens of articles for Bird Observer, including Field Notes, “Wired Birder” and “Gleanings” columns; many articles on birds for various Mass Audubon publications. Activities: Former Production Editor for Bird Observer, now a member of Editorial Board and science consultant; book layout and production for Nuttall Ornithological Club; participant in Breeding Bird Atlas 2, Breeding Bird Surveys, Project FeederWatch, and Christmas Bird Counts; tour leader throughout North America and various countries in South and Central America, Caribbean, Europe, Africa, and Asia.